We’d like to congratulate Preston Public Utilities and the Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency for their Catch Savings In Preston program. This was a grand attempt to change out all the incandescent lamps in residences of Preston with high-quality, energy-saving CFLs.
Preceded by an informative marketing campaign, Preston residents received an inventory sheet to fill in the types and quantities of incandescent lamps in their home. Preston Public Utilities used the inventory forms to produce a list of up to 50 free CFLs each respondent would receive during the week of April 20, 2009.
It was estimated approximately 12,000 CFLs delivered & installed by residents would save 385,000 kilowatt-hours annually which represents a 6.9% reduction of Preston Public Utility’s annual residential energy usage and annual CO2 reduction of 270 tons.
To learn more about the program and their success, visit http://www.CatchSavingsInPreston.com.