The CERTs Site Gets a Full Makeover

Welcome to the completely redesigned CERTs site!

HISTORY   Since 2003 the Clean Energy Resource Teams Web site has played a key role in our mission to connect people with the technical resources needed to identify and implement community-scale energy efficiency and clean energy projects. The site is accessed daily by Minnesotans from all walks of life, people across the US, and even international audiences—it engages on average 25,000 unique visitors every year.

NEW FEATURES   All of our informational and educational resources are still available, but we have added multiple new features that we hope you and your community members will appreciate:
This Get Answers Blog where CERTs staff and friends will share up-to-date news and information
A Donate to Projects service allowing visitors to offer direct financial support to projects in need
A Project Planning section geared toward helping your community get projects on the ground
The ability to Ask an Expert and get high-quality responses to your toughest questions

ABOUT   You can easily learn about the history of the project and about each of its partners and funders, about each region, their strategic plans and past and current projects, and about the variety of ways in which you can get involved.

NEWS   We will keep you up to date with our Get Answers blog, with energy technology and policy news, and upcoming events and past events. You can also learn about month-to-month CERTs happenings in our published updates.

INFO   If you want to learn more, or are working on a specific project, check out our extensive technology resources, our clean energy manual, our clearninghouse of reports and presentations, and our project planning resources.

FUNDING   If you are looking specifically for financial resources, become familiar with our RFP process and browse our list of current funding opportunities. Learn how to to make a donation to a MN clean energy project.

CONTACT   We encourage you to offer your feedback about the new site!
Dan Thiede
CERTs Webmaster

Our thanks to the team at Triangle Park Creative for helping us to design such an excellent site.

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