Obama Signs Stimulus Bill with Billions in Green Investment

Following several months of planning and weeks of negotiation, President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act today in Denver. The bill contains $87 billion in green investment funds (and up to $112.9 billion depending on what you include as green)—a combination of direct energy spending, tax relief, and infrastructure improvements. The green stimulus will build new transit lines, weatherize buildings, manufacture clean next-generation vehicles, develop wind and solar power, make state and federal vehicle fleets more energy efficient, and create new green-collar jobs.

CERTs & the stimulus: These are all things that Minnesota needs. The Clean Energy Resource Teams will be working in the coming months to make sure Minnesota communities know how they can benefit from the stimulus dollars coming our way.

Al Gore on the new law: “The recovery bill reaffirms that the solutions to our economic and climate crises go hand in hand. Congress has demonstrated a commitment to create jobs and Repower America by providing critical investments in energy efficiency, renewable energy and a unified national smart grid. By accelerating America’s shift to a clean energy economy, this bill lays the foundation for a true recovery and is an important first step in dramatically reducing our carbon emissions.”

1Sky on the new law: Gillian Caldwell, campaign director for 1Sky, described the recovery bill as “a vital first step to help us transition from a dirty fossil fuel economy to a clean one powered by renewable energy.” Caldwell noted that the green jobs created in the recovery package are pivotal for the nation. She said, “The 1.7 million green jobs provided by the recovery package means the green economy isn’t just for consumers. Because of this new law, workers will be able to earn a paycheck and American households will save money through energy efficiency.”

Recovery.gov: You can learn more about what is being funded, and track spending at www.recovery.gov. President Obama said to check back often to see updated information.

Learn More: The Apollo Alliance has an excellent breakdown of the clean energy details of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill in their January 15th post, Clean Energy Is Foundation of Proposed Stimulus. Click here to read more >>

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