Golden Valley native, Rich Kronfeld has developed an electric-powered concept vehicle called Recumbent Automotive Human Transport, or Raht Racer for short. Kronfeld has no background in engineering, but had the vision and drive to create a new type of vehicle. Kronsfeld was interviewed by David Shaffer at the Star Tribune about his journey.
After two years of development, Rich Kronfeld and others are rightfully proud of their sleek, electric-powered concept vehicle called the Raht Racer. The three-wheeled vehicle is sheathed in a carbon-fiber pod and powered by a battery and electric motor that promise speeds of 80-90 miles per hour, though Kronfeld says he’s only taken it up to 45 mph.
Inside, it looks like a high-tech recumbent bicycle. One difference is that the pedals turn a generator, rather than the wheels, to extend the range of the battery, which is mainly recharged by plugging it into a wall socket. “I was really impressed for a first-iteration prototype,” said Bruce Jones, chairman of the Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering Technology Department at Mankato State University, which awarded the project a $50,000 grant.