Minnesota Department of Agriculture Commissioner Dave Frederickson asks livestock producers to apply for a portion of $2 million in grants available for on-farm improvements.
“Livestock Investment Grants help farmers stay competitive and reinvest in their industry. Last year, we had 104 livestock farmers receive grants to improve their operation,” said Frederickson.
What have farmers already done with the grant funding?
- Jared Franke of Hayfield constructed a new beef barn to increase efficiency and allow the next generation to enter into the family farming operation.
- Michael Laue of Fairmont constructed a 2,400 head swine facility to increase profitability and allow a young farmer to start farming full time.
- Matthew and David Hanson of Goodridge expanded and improved current dairy facilities by adding a robotic milking unit and installing equipment to improve profitability and allow the next generation to enter farming.
What qualifies?
Qualifying producers are reimbursed 10 percent of the first $500,000 of investment, with a minimum investment of $4,000. Qualifying expenditures include the purchase, construction or improvement of livestock buildings or facilities—energy aspects included. Fencing, feeding and waste management equipment are also covered. Producers who suffered a loss due to natural disaster may also apply. The grant will not pay for livestock, land purchases, or debt refinancing.
How can farmers learn more and get started?
Past applicants who did not receive an award need to reapply for the 2017 program. These grants are incentives to start projects, which must begin after January 1, 2017. Applications for operations with farmers transitioning into livestock, beginning farmers, and those with a positive environmental impact receive priority. Details and guidelines of the grant are available at http://www.mda.state.mn.us/livestockinvestmentgrant. The application deadline is December 16, 2016. Please apply online: http://tinyurl.com/mdalivestock.
Who is the contact for the grant program?
David Weinand
Minnesota Department of Agriculture
625 Robert St. N
Saint Paul, MN 55155
651-201-6646 or 651-201-6500