In May 2021, the City of Wadena hosted a community Ride and Drive event for area residents to promote the new charging station and familiarize them with electric vehicle technology.
Held near the newly installed charger, the City planned the event to make sure it fell in the late afternoon and early evening, when community members were likely available and when downtown stores are open later for shopping.
Local auto dealerships brought two different electric vehicle models to test drive. The City of Wadena’s supplemental power supplier Missouri River Energy Services brought a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, as well.
“The Ride and Drive event had great feedback from those who attended,” Evans said. “Those who test drove were very impressed with the drivability and power of the EV cars and by the low cost to recharge.”
The event also boasted catering from a local restaurant and food truck and included an LED light bulb giveaway, to attract more attendees. The city had postponed an earlier iteration of the event planned for June 2020, which had been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.