As part of the Obama Administration’s effort to double energy productivity by 2030 and reduce carbon emissions in commercial buildings, the Energy Department recently announced $9 million to encourage investments in energy-saving technologies that can be tested and deployed in offices, shops, restaurants, hospitals, hotels and other types of commercial buildings.


“I couldn’t be more excited to work on clean energy initiatives,” said Peter Lindstrom, the newest member of the CERTs team. Peter is spearheading outreach and education to Minnesota cities, counties, and schools about approaches for financing energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements, particularly through the Guaranteed Energy Saving Program (GESP).

Peter Lindstrom, CERTs Local Government Outreach Coordinator

Last heating season was one for the record books, and on the verge of the deep freeze this year, many communities are concerned about how to keep their homes, businesses, and institutions warm without breaking the bank. This is particularly true in rural communities where there is higher dependence on delivered fuels like propane and fuel oil.

Made-In-Minnesota solar furnaces installed at REAL Solar headquarters

Overlooking the town of St. Peter, Minnesota, Gustavus Adolphus College is beautiful campus. Over the past few years Gustavus has been able to add a variety of renewable energy systems to add to its charms, including a real focus on solar thermal hot water systems. To learn more, we spoke with James Dontje, Director of Johnson Center for Environmental Innovation in Environmental Studies.

Solar thermal hot water collectors atop Beck Hall at Gustavus

Joel Haskard with the Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) spoke with Rachel Boucher, owner of Rach-Al-Paca Farm in Hastings, about their solar thermal hot water project and the savings that they’ve been experiencing in their operations as a result of the installation.   Joel Haskard: Rachel, tell us a little bit about your farm.

Solar thermal hot water collectors and goats at the Rach-Al-Paca Farm

On October 15th folks from across the West Central CERT region met at Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center in Spicer to learn about renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. Panelists shared experience and insights gained from their projects, partly funded by WC CERT seed grants.

Solar thermal air heat wall at PWELC

On October 15th, 2014 about two dozen people met at the League of Minnesota Cities in St. Paul and online for the first of eight Minnesota GreenStep Cities Workshops in the 2014-2015 series. The workshop focused on energy benchmarking and introduced the newest GreenStep program, “Step 4.

Katie Schmitt and Diana McKeown present about B3

While soaring propane prices last winter helped build interest in solar thermal systems, results from a Minnesota rebate program show the market is still lukewarm. The state’s Department of Commerce has enough rebate money left over to fund dozens more solar hot water or solar thermal projects through its Made in Minnesota (MiM) program.

RREAL solar furnace installation on a Mille Lacs home

Looking for a project example that educated students and the greater community about energy efficiency AND reduces costs AND improves the lighting quality? Look no further than the Madison, Marietta, Nassau Elementary School! Madison, Minnesota (pop. 1,551) is located in west central Minnesota.

Students learn about new lighting system being installed

Two federal funding programs are on the near horizon for turkey producers and other farmers to access funds to make energy upgrades on Minnesota farms.

See below for more info on each of the programs, as well as an opportunity through the Clean Energy Resource Teams to get help navigating each of the opportunities.

Langmo Bros Farm with new LED lighting

The Minnesota Retiree Environmental Technical Assistance Program (RETAP) employs skilled, retired professionals to provide facility assessments and community sustainability assistance to small businesses, institutions, and communities in Minnesota. Recommendations may be simple behavior changes, maintenance improvements, or more complicated retrofits.

Small businesses, municipalities, churches, and schools in Minnesota can contact RETAP to request a free audit and get suggestions for reducing their environmental impact and costs.

The story from Lake Crystal shows that leadership must not necessarily come from the top; interns can do a great deal of directing positive change in a city. With AmeriCorps member Joan Van Grinsven at the helm, the city has reengaged with B3 Benchmarking in the past year and is making improvements based on the results.

With AmeriCorps member Joan Van Grinsven at the helm, the city has reengaged with B3 Benchmarking in the past year and is making improvements based on the results.

You might remember seeing a survey in February asking a few questions about Community Solar Gardens (CSGs). CSGs are a way for Minnesotans to subscribe to a portion of a large solar project and receive credit on their energy bill for their portion of the project’s electricity production—just as they would if the panels were on their own roofs.

Community Solar survey

A pilot project in Minneapolis is testing the idea that business advocates might be the key to unlocking energy efficiency in the small business sector.

The Challenge

Energy efficiency advocates often look for where the highest efficiency gains can be achieved for the lowest amount of cost and effort.

Energy Coaches in action

The big National Drive Electric Week event is coming up this weekend—Sunday, September 21st from 1:00 to 4:00pm at the State Capitol Mall. To learn more about the event and electric vehicles (EVs) in general, we spoke with Matthew Blackner, Founder of ZEF Energy.

EV event at the capitol

More and more electric vehicles (EVs) are entering the national marketplace and hitting Minnesota roads. CERTs is doing a series of interviews with EV drivers to learn about their experiences.

Meet Jim: Jim Beecher of St. Louis Park drives an EV (Nissan Leaf 2013) because he decided he didn’t want to buy gasoline anymore.

Jim Beecher of St. Louis Park drives a 2013 Nissan Leaf

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) is currently accepting applications from individuals interested in AmeriCorps service with Minnesota GreenCorps for immediate placement during the 2014-2015 program year in the City of Maplewood.

MN GreenCorps

Minnesotans came together at Carleton College’s Weitz Center in Northfield on Thursday, August 21st to learn about community solar gardens and three projects around the Southeast CERT region. This open event was held to educate people about what a few groups in the region are trying and what they have learned from starting community solar garden projects.

Touring solar installations at Carleton College before learning about community solar opportunities

This story by Frank Jossi is republished from the original at Midwest Energy News.

Bethel Evangelical Lutheran and Minnesota Community Solar came together earlier this year to promote a solar garden that will sit atop the roof of the Minneapolis church.

Tim Johnson, pastor of Cherokee Park United Church in St. Paul, says visitors frequently inquire about the church’s solar array. (Photo by Ken Paulman / Midwest Energy News)

Love energy efficiency, renewables, and helping others save money? Like to work with local units of government on helping them finance their clean energy projects? Then consider joining CERTs!

We have a new position open—a Local Government Outreach Coordinator. Read on for more information. If you’re interested in applying, click here for more details.

Join the CERTs team!

This article is republished from the original by Britta Arendt at the Herald Review.

In 2011, Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton issued two Executive Orders, creating a comprehensive energy savings plan for state facilities. It required all state agencies to reduce facilities energy usage by 20 percent by the end of 2015.

A solar energy system constructed at the Grand Rapids DNR headquarters is one of the largest in the state of Minnesota.

Katelyn Larsen, Minnesota GreenCorps member for the Recycling Association of Minnesota, recently completed a pilot study on bulk milk dispensers at a K-12 public school in Minnesota. The study was designed to test the feasibility of using bulk milk dispensers in K-12 public schools as well as provide a sustainable alternative to milk cartons in areas where carton recycling is not possible.

Staff tracked data on milk consumption and cost, energy consumption and cost, water usage and cost, labor, and waste and recycling generation both before and after dispensers were installed.

The Center for Renewable Energy Education & Demonstration (CREED) program strives to help teachers strengthen their science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) curricula by integrating energy education into their lessons.

CREED hosted K-12 teachers from across Minnesota at the Laurentian Environmental Center (LEC), as well as touring energy efficiency and renewable energy sites.

Teachers learning how to strengthen their Science, Technology, Engineering  and Mathematics (STEM) curricula by integrating energy education into their lessons at the Laurentian Environmental Center.

This article was written by Fernando Vasquez who recently graduated from Burnsville High School.

Energy conservation is something that most people know about, but few actually incorporate into their daily routines. Good information and awareness are the keys for more people to conserve energy.

Author Fernando Vasquez teaching young students about vampire power; energy used when electronics are plugged in, but turned off.

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