
City, utility, community partner to deliver energy savings to those in need

May 2020

In late April 2020, Beth Kallestad, a Program Coordinator at the City of Northfield, dropped off 150 LED light bulbs at the food shelf run by Community Action Center of Northfield.

The light bulbs were provided free of charge from Xcel Energy to Northfield as a part of their participation in the Partners in Energy program. The bulbs will be distributed to food shelf customers and families served by Rice County’s Growing Up Healthy initiative.

The LED bulb give away was one way to help members of our community reduce their energy use and save money.

Beth Kallestad, City of Northfield

Reducing the energy burden

Low income families in Minnesota have an average energy burden three times greater than other households, because they typically live in less efficient housing and have limited access to energy efficiency programs. Kallestad said, "the bulb give away was one way to help members of our community reduce their energy use and save money.” An LED bulb uses 85% less energy than an incandescent and lasts around 20 years. This brings the savings of each bulb to just under $250.00 over their life, when compared to incandescent bulbs. Since those calculations include the cost of the bulb, this brings the total possible savings of these 150 bulbs to more than $37,000.

Moving forward, with a plan

Northfield received the bulbs as a part of implementing their Energy Action Plan, which was developed with assistance from Xcel Energy. Northfield qualified for Xcel Energy’s Partners in Energy program in 2018. Through the effort, Xcel Energy provides two years of assistance to help a community set and implement energy reduction goals. The program is available to cities in Xcel Energy territory.

CERTs can help support your efforts

CERTs has been facilitating connections like those between Xcel, Northfield, and local food shelves across the state. If you are interested in a similar program, contact Joel Haskard at to find out what connections we might help you make.

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