Keep heat on

Cold Weather Rule & Shut-Off Protections

Minnesota’s Cold Weather Rule (CWR) is a state law that protects you from having your electric or natural gas service shut off between October 1 and April 30. 

If you are behind in paying your electric or natural gas bill, contact your utility company to find out if you qualify for CWR protection, and to sign up.

  • CWR protection is only available to residential customers.
  • All natural gas and electric utilities must offer CWR protection.
  • To have CWR protection you must set up a payment plan and keep it; if you don’t keep the payment plan you may be disconnected.
  • You can set up a CWR payment plan any time during the CWR season.
  • The utility must set up a payment plan that is reasonable for your household circumstances.
  • You are eligible for CWR protection even if you rent — the utility account must be in your name.
  • If you rent and pay your own utility bills and the natural gas or electric service in your name affects your primary heat, you are eligible for CWR protection.

If you and your utility can’t agree on a payment plan, contact the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission’s Consumer Affairs Office at 651-296-0406 or 800-657-3782, or email and they can help you work with your utility.

If you ever need any help with lowering the cost of your bills to avoid disconnection, please reach out to the Citizens Utility Board Minnesota at 651-300-4701 or at