The Clean Energy Resource Teams are excited to announce 39 Seed Grant awards to organizations in the seven Minnesota CERT regions. Each region awarded around $20,000 worth of grants, catalyzing energy efficiency and renewable energy across the state. CERTs has awarded over $1 million in Seed Grants to 269 projects since 2006.

CERTs Seed Grants

The Minnesota Legislature established the Made in Minnesota (MiM) Solar Incentive Program in 2013 to help our state meet its solar electricity standard and to catalyze the solar industry.

MiM is a solar photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal incentive program for consumers who install PV and solar thermal systems using solar modules and collectors certified as manufactured in Minnesota.

The mission of Iron Range Partnership for Sustainability (IRPS) is to stimulate conversation and action for a sustainable future on the Iron Range of northeastern Minnesota. In keeping with their mission, the Iron Range Partnership for Sustainability is pleased to announce it’s new Community Sustainability Initiative.

IRPS logo

For the Youth Energy Summit (YES!) program, the last few months of 2015 included two successful Fall Summits, welcoming two new YES! Coordinators, reconnecting with a YES! alumna, and more.

Fall Summits a success

The air was electric with the excitement of 240 students and coaches at the 8th annual Fall Summit, held at Saint John’s University on September 30th.

Youth Energy Summit (YES!)

This post was originally published in Midwest Energy News by Frank Jossi.

Community solar developers in Minnesota are breathing a sigh of relief over the renewal of the investment tax credit in the recent federal budget deal.

Passed by Congress and signed by the president, the budget extends the 30 percent solar tax credit for three years before gradually decreasing it to 10 percent in 2022.

If you’re in Worthington, stop by Bob & Steve’s Holiday gas station sometime and check out the energy efficiency work they have done on the exterior and interior. The recent projects funded by PACE included LED lights, new coolers and compressors, and new HVAC. “The PACE program was introduced to us by Larry Potter at Blue Line Truck Stop says owner Bob Raudenbush.

Holiday Station in Worthington finances energy improvements with PACE

Patricia Torkelson owns the Main Street Do Jong in Tyler, Minnesota (home of the MN Dragons Chung Do Kwan group). It’s a busy place, with Tae Kwon Do, LifeFit, and even line dancing classes. Now, thanks to Property Accessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing, people will be getting in shape under better lighting and the business will be saving money.

Photo credit: MN Dragons Chung Do Kwan - Tyler, MN

Solar power has never been more affordable or easier to install, and that’s why the the Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) has come together with communities, solar manufacturers and installers, financing providers, and more to bring a series of Solar Power Hours to Minnesota.

Solar Power Hour from MREA

Local company Innovative Power Systems will start installing solar panels along the Green Line corridor in Saint Paul, next month, adding to several other projects in the city. The developer is building the facilities on four commercial rooftops. The Green Line solar project is within the Energy Innovation Corridor, an initiative promoting sustainable energy and transportation.

Solar energy expanding on the Green Line in Saint Paul

This post was originally published in Midwest Energy News by Frank Jossi.

One year after Xcel Energy’s community solar program was launched in Minnesota, only one project—out of more than 1,500 proposed—has been built.

But the utility, as well as solar backers in the state, expect the pace to pick up significantly in the coming year.

Xcel Energy Solar*Rewards Community Program

See what we did there with the blog post title? REAP also stands for Rural Energy for American Program, a grant and loan offering from USDA Rural Development that can help farmers and rural small businesses do renewable energy and energy efficiency work.

USDA RD - Rural Energy for America Program (REAP)

Allina Health’s Elk River Clinic offers personalized care services for physical and mental wellness, including OB/GYN, pediatrics, audiology, and surgery. The 30,000 sqft, three-story building recently received some tender loving care of it’s own with major upgrades for energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and occupant comfort.

Allina Health Elk River Clinic

We’re pretty sure that winter is here, even if it’s been a bit hesitant. As the temperature drops and we turn on our heat, there are many things we can do to keep the warm air in and our heating bills down.

The following no-cost and low-cost tips will help Minnesotans save energy, reduce utility bills, and keep their homes safe this heating season.

Steps to a cozy, energy-efficient home

Friday the 13th turned out to be a great day in Rushford, Minnesota, home to Tri-County Electric Cooperative. After a handful of informative presentations about community solar gardens, attendees got to tour TEC’s own Renewable Ray installation.

Attendees at Tri-County Electric Cooperative community solar garden tour

Solar is hot, hot, hot right now in Minnesota, and we wanted to share three recent developments featured in the news this week.

An aerial photo of the parking ramps showing where the solar arrays at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport | Photo: MAC

Minnesota’s Pine City is a member of the GreenStep Cities Program, which is a voluntary challenge, assistance and recognition program to help cities achieve their sustainability and quality-of-life goals.

New EV DC fast charging station in Pine City, MN

A new 30-minute program on Twin Cities Public Television (TPT) captures the importance of having an advanced home energy assessment and the big dividends to be earned from prescribed home improvements.

The program, called Improving Your Home’s Performance, takes the homeowner through the process of getting a home energy assessment, identifying problems, taking action, and measuring successes.

Video: Improving Your Home’s Performance

Results from EnergyScoreCards Minnesota, a two-year controlled experiment that included over 550 buildings, found that energy and water benchmarking work as an energy efficiency measure for multifamily buildings in Minnesota. Bright Power and its project partners discovered a 5% energy savings and 30% water savings in the second year among master-metered buildings (i.e.

EnergyScoreCards Minnesota

Do you have outdoor yard lighting on your property? Switching to LEDs might help you reduce your electric bill. We spoke with Brian Jeremiason, Energy Services Manager with Lyon-Lincoln Electric Cooperative, to learn about the program that they are offering their customers.

LED yard light

Minnesota is the #1 turkey producing and processing state in the U.S., with 450 family farmers raising approximately 44 million to 46 million turkeys annually. The cost of energy can have a big impact on the cost of food.

LED lighting in Lango farms barn

Our old friend Carl Samuelson, Energy Strategy Facilitator with Michaels Energy, recently brought to our attention the great energy efficiency work by management and staff at the Hilton Garden Inn Minneapolis Maple Grove. To learn more, we interviewed Carl and the hotel’s General Manager, Mike Severson.

Hilton Garden Inn Minneapolis Maple Grove

During the month of October, 2015, folks in Mankato, Staples, and Grand Rapids had a chance to share their input on the Minnesota 2025 Energy Action Plan.

CERTs hosted these three events (as well as an event in St.

Attendees discuss our energy future

It was obvious walking into the packed Mayflower Church community room on Thursday, November 12th that residents in South Minneapolis are curious about community solar gardens—there were barely any chairs left in the large room.

Residents at Minneapolis community solar garden workshop

On October 22nd, over one hundred people attended the 9th annual gathering of the Metro CERT region. As always, the program provided information, connections to resources, and networking around community clean energy implementation.

Attendees tossed around a speaker box to share their perspectives

Looking for a CERTs Seed Grant project example that educated students and the greater community about energy efficiency AND reduces costs AND improves the lighting quality? Look no further than the Madison, Marietta, Nassau Elementary School! Madison, Minnesota (pop. 1,551) is located in West Central Minnesota.

Thank you note from the teacher

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