Financial Monitor – Closes 06/10/2009
The purpose of this position is ensure that the DOE Weatherization Program is in compliance with all applicable Federal and State requirements related to the fiscal and/or administrative functions of the program.

Do you have strong community organizing and facilitation skills, top-notch written and oral communications skills, and experience implementing effective communications strategies? Do you have a working knowledge of and experience with renewable energy and energy efficiency issues and projects? If you answered yes to these questions, we’d like to hear from you.

Why Bike Walk Week Gives Me Warm Fuzzies
Crossposted from the Transit for Livable Communities blog, by Katie Eukel, Communications Manager

It’s a rare day when I’m excited to get up at 4:00am. Bike/Walk to Work Day might be an exception. I was stationed at the Green Institute, helping to manage media outreach efforts for the morning.

Owatonna Public Utilities, in partnership with Austin Utilities, is the fourth utility in the country to use Positive Energy’s Conserve and $ave Home Energy Report program to allow their customers to compare their usage to neighbors whose homes are of comparable size, and make energy efficiency choices accordingly.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) contains over $18 billion in energy efficiency funding that qualifying entities (primarily states, cities, and counties) can pursue. The primary objectives of this funding are to build jobs, save energy, and build energy efficiency infrastructure for the longer-term.

WASHINGTON (CNN)—The House on Thursday passed a $6.4 billion school modernization bill that would commit funds for the construction and update of more energy-efficient school buildings. The measure will now move to the Senate for further review. The legislation, according to the House Education and Labor Committee, also makes schools part of the effort to revive the U.S.

The Green Institute, coordinator of Metro CERTs, and our friends at the Phillips Eco-Enterprise Center hosted our second annual Brake for Breakfast event today for Bike/Walk to Work Week. 273 people ate breakfast (probably more who forgot to sign in), many of them on the windy green roof, from 7-9am today—including Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak! See what one participant had to say.

SunChips and National Geographic have joined forces to create the Green Effect, an initiative to inspire individuals to spark a green movement in their communities.
YOU could be the one to make a difference in your community—for the planet! Submit a description of your Green Effect idea by June 8, 2009. Ten finalists will be announced July 7, 2009.

New IRS Incentives, From Cold to Hot
STILL looking for ways to lower your taxes? Greening your home means you can get more greenbacks in return. The stimulus plan approved by Congress in February offers tax credits for making your home more energy efficient.

According to ENERGY STAR, Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFLs) use significantly less energy than traditional light bulbs (75% less), and produce less mercury than traditional bulbs.

St. Paul, MN — On May 7, 2009 Governor Pawlenty signed the Environment Budget bill, which includes $1.25 million over the biennium for the Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) program.

We’d like to congratulate Preston Public Utilities and the Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency for their Catch Savings In Preston program. This was a grand attempt to change out all the incandescent lamps in residences of Preston with high-quality, energy-saving CFLs.

On April 15, 2009 Metro CERTs successfully hosted an event at the St. Paul Science Museum to celebrate their one-year anniversary, share community clean energy projects and approaches, and allow for those in attendance to connect over some fantastic food and drink.

Hot off the presses! The Office of Energy Security (OES) released a report last week summarizing both Phase I and Phase II of the Minnesota Solar Electric Rebate Program. Overview: Minnesota achieved a milestone of more than one megawatt of total solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity in 2008.

Beginning May 1, 2009 the Minnesota Legislature increased biodiesel mix to 5% for all diesel fuel. Previously, diesel contained only 2% biodiesel. This increase represents the second of four state mandates with the last one coming in 2015 at a 20% biodiesel mix statewide. The mandated increase could not come at a better time for the biodiesel industry, which has been idling.

  Stadium & Downtown Minneapolis. Officials commissioned a steam line yesterday that runs from the Minneapolis Hennepin Energy Recovery Center (HERC) to the new Twins stadium and downtown Minneapolis district heating system run by NRG Energy. HERC is a waste-to-energy facility located in downtown Minneapolis.

The Progressive Automotive X-Prize contest has attracted the likes of musician Neil Young and his music-video-friendly drop-top, the Indian mini-car maker Tata, the electric sports car Tesla and absolutely none of the big three automakers from Detroit.

The Initiative Foundation in Central Minnesota honored six winners at its 2009 Initiative Awards on April 17th at the St. Cloud Civic Center, recognizing outstanding leadership and community service in central Minnesota. The foundation selected the Rural Renewable Energy Alliance (RREAL) as its Outstanding Green Venture.

The University of Minnesota unveiled a plan Thursday to reduce its overall energy consumption by 5 percent by the end of next year. They kicked off the program as part of “Beautiful U Day.”

If the university reaches its conservation goal, it has estimated it could trim $2.25 million from its energy bill annually.

Lakeville South is one of approximately 100 schools participating the Minnesota Schools Cutting Carbon program. The school’s idea is to replace textbooks with technology to use less paper in the future. In the fall, Lakeville South will be competing with others in the program for $20,000 grants to take their project to the next level. FOX 9’s Dawn Stevens reports.

April 21st, St. Paul, Minnesota – One hundred public high schools, colleges and universities are joining together in the Minnesota Schools Cutting Carbon program to reduce their carbon emissions and save on energy costs.

The Shoreview Sierra Club Green Community has been active at the grassroots level for a number of years, connecting the community to environmental resources, reducing fossil fuel reliance, expanding recycling options, and promoting renewable energy. Recently, the group went door-to-door in the Shoreview community explaining and distributing applications for Xcel Energy’s WindSource program.

The Office of Energy Security (OES) is managing much of the energy-related components of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 for Minnesota. OES just updated the federal stimulus energy info they are hosting on their newly redesigned Web site. It is the first place you should look for information about the ARRA in MN.

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